March 12, 2025

Clive PalmerWHAT’S in a name?

Under fire billionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer has no shortage of detractors.

And with the Federal Election looming, reckons the portly MP has more chance of winning his seat of Fairfax if he runs using his alias, Terry Smith.

While the bookie thinks he is unlikely to retain his seat, it does think his alias gives him an extra point in the betting. He is $5 to win as Smith, and $6 as Clive.

Explosive reports claim Palmer – who has maintained he retired from business when he won the seat in 2013 – used the alias to approve expenses at his Queensland nickel mine, while working as a full time politician.

Of course, it is unlikely he uses the alias, with the bookie quoting him at $101 to attempt it in the election.

Terry Smith becoming Prime Minister before 2020 is a laughable $1,001 chance.

“Comparing Clive Palmer’s chances in Fairfax versus that of his alias Terry Smith started as a bit of joke, but once we crunched the numbers we quickly realised that if Clive is any chance of retaining Fairfax he better get Terry Smith’s name on the how to vote card,’’ the bookie’s Ben Bulmer said.

At the coal face, Labor has enjoyed a resurgence, with the almost unwinnable election looking slightly more rosier, thanks to a surge in a recent Newspoll.

The ALP is ahead 51-49 per cent after preferences, according to the latest poll, after a messy week, but Turnbull will be heartened by the fact he is still the preferred Prime Minister, leading Shorted 48-27 per cent. has the Coalition a $1.27 favourite with to retain government at the election, with Labor at $3.75.

Turnbull is the resounding $1.02 favourite to still be the PM when the vote comes around, despite recent rumblings of a potential leadership challenge from Kevin Andrews.

Andrews has been wound in to $41, after telling a local newspaper he would be prepared to challenge Turnbull, under the right circumstances.

“It has never been my burning ambition to be the leader of the party, but if circumstances arose … where I thought there should be a change or a contest, I am prepared to do it,” he said.

But he is still well behind Liberal power broker Scott Morrison ($6.50) and the popular Julie Bishop ($13).

Shorten, like Turnbull, is $1.02 to lead the opposition into the election, and that’s as much to do with a lack of genuine candidates as it is to do with Shortens own capabilities.

Who will be the Coalition Leader at the next election?

Malcolm Turnbull ($1.02)

Scott Morrison ($6.50)

Julie Bishop ($13)

Kevin Andrews ($41)

Greg Hunt ($51)

Peter Dutton ($51)

Tony Abbott ($67)

Chris Pyne ($67)

Andrew Robb 201)

Tony Smith ($201)

Mal Brough ($201)

Who will be the Labor Leader at the next Election?

Bill Shorten ($1.02)

Tanya Plibersek ($7)

Anthony Albanese ($12)

Chris Bowen ($17)

Mark Butler ($34)

Jason Clare ($41)

Tony Burke ($51)

Odds provided by

Clinton still on target for US election

With the microscope bearing down on the candidates as the US election draws closer, Hilary Clinton is the overwhelming favourite with to take over the job from the revered Barak Obama.

Clinton is a very skinny $1.45 to become the 45th President of the United States of America on November 8, despite her campaign facing more controversy this week over a racially charged joke.

Republican favourite Donald Trump might have become one of the most loathed men in America, but William Hill believes he has a very strong shot of claiming the presidency – God help us all if that happens,

Any way, if you’re in the Trump camp, the $6.50 about him to be president should be more than sufficient.

Clinton’s opponent for the Democrats’ vote, Bernie Sanders and the man chasing Trump for the Republican effort, Ted Kruse, are both $9 and they form a bunch of four who are the only people in with a real chance of winning.

Who will be next American president?

Hillary Clinton ($1.45)

Donald Trump ($6.50)

Bernie Sanders ($9)

Ted Cruz ($9)

John Kasichv ($26)

Joe Biden ($29)

Odds provided by

Could Geelong legend and funnyman Billy Brownless be Geelong’s next Mayor?

With Geelong Council in turmoil and now facing the sack over claims of bullying, it looks like the city will need a new leader to replace colourful personality Darren Lyons

And the man the most people are backing to replace them”

One Anthony William ‘Billy’ Brownless.

The former AFL star and The Footy Show presenter is already known as the Mayor of Geelong? Could he make that title official?

“Billy might not have the Mohawk or an outrageous wardrobe, but no one loves Geelong more than the Cats great,”’s Christian Jantzen said.

Who will be the next Mayor of Geelong?

Billy Brownless ($7.50)

Sam Newman ($9)

Derryn Hinch ($11)

Georgina Downer ($11)

Daryl Somers ($21)

Mark Thompson ($21)

Eddie McGuire ($26)

Denis Napthine ($34)

Denis Dragovic ($34)

Rebecca Maddern ($51)

Gary Ablett Snr ($51)

Geoff Shaw ($51)

Waleed Aly ($51)

Adam Goodes ($81)

Patrick Dangerfield ($101)

Odds provided by

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